Monday, January 2, 2017

3 months old...12 lbs 13 oz and 24.25 inches tall

3 more months have gone by and our little Logan is just growing like a weed.  During this month, Jared gave Logan a name and a blessing on the same day we celebrated my first mother's day,  went to a few of Aunt KK's softball games-witnessed her team taking the 5A state championship, tried figuring out how to crawl over the boppy pillow, made a few more trips up to North Ogden, I finished up my school year teaching, and Logan started giggling for the first time.


We decided to bless Logan and Sloane on the same day to make it easier for family to attend.  It was such a beautiful and special day.  Their daddies did an incredible job. 

Jared went to a 3 week long work training in Nebraska so we had a lot of face time dates to make sure he could watch how fast Logan was growing.

While dad was away, I had to try out Logan's first pony tail... haha

Logan was doing some tummy time while Jennifer and I watched the Bachelor and all of a sudden I look down and he was totally trying to crawl right over his boppy... 5/30/2016

Meeting best buddy Baylor for the first time...not sure what to think...or maybe just hungry.

This was Gram's last day watching Logan.  We are sure missed having her around all of the time.

6/2/2016-first giggles

Jared, Logan, and I went and saw X-men Apocalypse...during the moving I felt something wet and wasn't my slushy...I went out to change him but none of the bathrooms at the theater had any changing I had to change him on top of the sink...I guess they would prefer if people didn't bring babies to movies.. 

The warmest place in the house to snuggle up...right on dad's chest!

Logan absolutely loves water, so I bought this fun pool for him. This was his first time trying it out.

This awesome shirt Logan is wearing is from his uncle Cam. It says, "Don't look at me, that smell is coming from my dad." So true! (just kidding..)

On June 1st, Lola's colt Lilly was born. Isn't she beautiful?

All snuggled up in his swing.

Bonding time with cousins.
We went and visited great great grandparent's graves on Memorial day with family.

Jared is flying Emmery up high and Adam is flying Logan all while we watch Karson's ball game.

The Elliott's had a big family reunion up at Seven Peaks. This was Logan's first experience in the big pool.  We went around the lazy river several times and he absolutely loved it. 6/4/2016

Jared had another training for work, but this time it was in Logan, Ut so Logan and I tagged right along. It was a lot of fun.  Logan was able to meet some of our greatest friends, specifically Kyler who is going to be another one of his best friends.  Kyler is Clayson (Jared's old roommate) and Allison (my old roommate) son who was born just five months before him. While we were there we got a lot of sleep in the nice comfy hotel room, went out to eat, and visited lots of people. We had a great time.



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