Tuesday, June 13, 2017

6 months...18lbs and 26 inches tall

Spent some more time this month with Bubba before he had to head back to Arizona to begin school. We went on our annual camping trip up at Grandpa's Land, mom started a new school year for work, Logan swung on a swing for the first time, Jared traveled to Washington for work, and Logan discovered how to army crawl. Best thing of all, Logan decided to begin sleeping through the night!!!

^^Gram and Bubba came to help mom and Logan organize all of mom's new classroom at Mt. Loafer Elementary.  Bubba helped by feeding and keeping Logan entertained while the women put everything away.^^

^^Logan rode in the grocery cart at Lee's for the first time. And we went and visited uncle Garrick and aunt Paige in Saratoga Spring and Paige introduced Logan to some fun kitchen "toys".^^

^^On our way to go swimming for the first time at the Payson pool^^

^^These smiles are deceiving...this is the morning mom went back to work for the new school year..^^



^^We went on our annual Lewis/Coles campout at Great Grandma and Grandpa Walters' land.  We had a great time and look forward to this camping trip every year! On our way home we also had the opportunity to meet up with some of the Merrill girls and Logan and Benson who are 2 months apart had the chance to meet.^^

^^Here is some wonderful cousin bonding time. ^^


^^Daddy is back home!!! Logan was loving the bearded kisses.^^


5 months... bigger and bigger!!!

Always learning and growing! Logan accomplished some more firsts this month...first time eating new fruits and veggies, first time sitting in the big stroller, first camping trip, first time sitting on a horse, and first time going to a rodeo.  Grammy Lew helped us finish his manly little nursery. And by the end of the month, he became pretty pro at sitting up on his own. 
^^Playing with daddy. Whose foot is bigger? And peeking out at mom down the hall.^^

^^Baby Hank Whitton Seamons was born on 7/10/2016.  We had the opportunity of going and visiting him in the hospital a few days after he was born.  He is absolutely perfect! Another best friend in the making.^^

^^Doing snapchat with mom can get a little freaky...^^

^^Grammy Lew helped us finish Logan's nursery on 7/14/2016. Thanks to her, it's perfect!^^

^^Edynn and "fake daddy" taking a Sunday nap together^^

^^ Logan loving the hand-me-down purple bumbo and trying out his first wrangler outfit before the rodeo^^

^^Every year we attend the fiesta days rodeo in Spanish Fork. This year was extra fun with Logan there.  He absolutely loved it and even though we were there for most of the evening, he refused to sleep and miss out on anything! He definitely makes the most handsome cowboy I have ever seen!^^

^^We went shopping for family picture outfits and Logan got to ride in the big boy stroller for the first time. I think he enjoyed it even though his face doesn't show that he did...^^

^^We went swimming with Grammy Lew and it wore Logan right out! Luckily the drive back to Grams was only 10 minutes long!^^

^^Cameron came to town and we made sure to get Lewis family pictures taken.  ^^

^^Trying out the watermelon before our camping/horse riding trip^^

^^Jared, Logan, and I met up with my brother and his family to go camping/horse riding up Payson canyon for the weekend. We had a blast and I definitely didn't take enough pictures. Here is Logan up on a horse for the first time^^